Blog Articles

Acne Treatment | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Help! I’m Embarrassed About My Acne

Dealing with acne, whether as a teenager or as an adult, can be distressing. It can be psychologically traumatizing and physically painful. Acne is a challenging problem, but we can treat the

PRP to Regrow Your Hair | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Using PRP to Regrow Your Hair

Initially, doctors used platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to treat osteoarthritis pain in the 1980s. Since then, scientists discovered that a patient’s plasma can help regrow their own hair and make it thicker and fuller.

Botox | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Am I a Candidate for BOTOX?

Botox® therapy is the cosmetic industry’s gold standard for smoothing certain types of wrinkles. Among other restorative procedures, its diverse therapeutic uses have made Botox the most reliable FDA-approved treatment to

Injectables | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Injectables for a Flawless Face

When it comes to looking younger, injectables have changed the game. Botox® treatments can, among other things, minimize the appearance of forehead lines and crow’s feet around the eyes. And dermal fillers

Men’s Sexual Health | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Common Threats to Men’s Sexual Health

Have you ever heard that men supposedly think about sex every seven seconds? Like many myths, this purported fact falls apart upon simple examination. A man thinking about sex every

PRP | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

How PRP is Becoming an Aesthetic Solution

The line between medicine and aesthetics is getting increasingly blurred as doctors find ways to use treatments and tools that extend beyond their traditional purposes. For example, Botox® is not

Hormonal Imbalances Impact Men and Women | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

How Hormonal Imbalances Impact Men and Women

Hormones are essential to body function, and they play a key role in controlling and coordinating activities throughout the body. Since hormones play such a big role in health, it should come

Injectable | Dolce Vida Med Spa | Westport, CT | Trumbull, CT

Which Type of Injectable is Right For Me?

Injectables are among the most popular treatment options available at Dolce Vida Med Spa. Injectables can turn back the clock and make you look more youthful. In this blog, Scott B. Callahan, PA-C, of Dolce


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