
Sculptra®: The Injectable Filler That Reduces Wrinkles and Restores Volume for Up to Three Years

Dolce Vida Med Spa > Blog >Sculptra®: The Injectable Filler That Reduces Wrinkles and Restores Volume for Up to Three Years

You know what they always say: Slow and steady wins the race. That certainly seems to be the case with most things in life, and skincare is no different. If you have facial wrinkles and folds, bypass the quick fixes and try something that can subtly improve your skin year after year with just one treatment. What is this amazing dermal filler? It’s called Sculptra® Aesthetic, and it’s offered by Dolce Vida Med Spa.

What is Sculptra Aesthetic?

Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable dermal filler that uses a biocompatible, biodegradable substance called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). This substance spurs the natural production of collagen and can help sustain production for up to two years. And increase in collagen production can lessen the appearance of wrinkles and folds and make your skin look amazing. FDA-approved since 1999, Sculptra Aesthetic is one of the longest-lasting injectable products on the market.

How does Sculptra Aesthetic work?

During your Sculptra Aesthetic session, your Dolce Vida Med Spa provider injects Sculptra Aesthetic’s serum into the desired treatment sites. Your skin absorbs the PLLA microparticles. The microparticles then induce collagen production. Over time, the process can restore facial fullness and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. You might notice immediate results, but the results can continue to get better, month after month, for as long as 24 months after your initial treatment.

How is Sculptra Aesthetic different from other fillers?

Every dermal filler or injectable is unique in its own way, but one thing many fillers have in common is they’re made primarily of compounds that your body produces on its own. Sculptra Aesthetic, however, is a stimulator that enhances the production of an important compound — collagen. This is what makes the treatment so long-lasting. Furthermore, Sculptra Aesthetic offers more subtle results than most fillers and injectables. And to top it off, one Sculptra Aesthetic treatment can last up to three years, while most fillers require maintenance appointments every few months.

What can Sculptra Aesthetic treat?

Sculptra Aesthetic can treat several areas on the face, including:

  • Eyelids
  • Under the eyes
  • Crow’s feet
  • Browline
  • Forehead creases
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Nasolabial fold (lip-to-nose area)
  • Melolabial fold (lip-to-chin area)
  • Jawline
  • Temples

To learn more about Sculptra Aesthetic and to find out if you’re a good candidate for this long-lasting dermal filler, book an appointment online or over the phone with Dolce Vida Med Spa today.

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