
Which Body Areas Are Good Candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

Dolce Vida Med Spa > Blog >Which Body Areas Are Good Candidates for Laser Hair Removal?

So, you’re ready to remove your excess body hair? Laser hair removal is a safe and effective option to remove unwanted body hair.

In this blog, Scott B. Callahan, MHS, PA-C, of Dolce Vida Med Spa discuss how body hair grows and whether you’re the right candidate for laser hair removal.

How hair grows

Growing hair is more complex than you may think. Hair growth depends on the amount of blood running through a person’s system. The blood makes its way to the skin’s surface, allowing for hair to grow at the root of the follicle. The sebaceous (oil) glands play a role in keeping hair healthy. The hair moves from the follicle past the sebaceous glands to the surface of the skin.

When to consider laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is an aesthetic treatment for those looking to remove unwanted body hair. Hair grows fast and, for some, that may not be desirable. According to research from the American Academy of Dermatology, body hair, on average, about half an inch per month. Male hair tends to grow more quickly than female hair.

Your head hair can grow up to about six inches in a year. All hair grows at an average rate of about 0.3 mm a day.

Where on your body can you get laser hair removal?

Laser hair treatments are highly effective. Treatments are gentle and can be used on more sensitive areas on the body, including:

  • Underarms
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Pelvic region

Venus Velocity treatments

Venus VelocityTM treatments are available at our offices in Westport, Trumbull, and Hamden, Connecticut. Venus Velocity provides fast and comfortable hair-removal. Venus Velocity treatments are safe for all skin tones, including darker complexions and lighter hair. During each treatment, you will wear protective eyewear. Your doctor may apply a numbing cream, depending on the treatment area.

Venus Velocity delivers short pulses to the treatment area to provide full comfort while removing hair with heating and cooling techniques. There is little to no downtime after each treatment.

Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?

Several factors may impact whether you’re a good candidate for hair removal. Coarse or dark hair is typically the hair removed by modern technologies. However, advancements do allow for lighter hair to be removed.

Skin texture and type can also impact hair removal. Consider the treatment area you’re considering before getting your first treatment. Laser hair removal is a great treatment option for larger areas of skin such as underarms, legs, arms, and back. For more sensitive areas like the bikini line, chin and lip area, you should consult the experts at Dolce Vida Med Spa.

Laser hair removal can give you the confidence you’ve been searching for. If you’re considering laser hair removal, book an appointment online or over the phone with Dolce Vida Med Spa today.

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